
Take a look at what people who have read the book think.
"People who know me through my own work as one of only 28 EFT Masters worldwide know that my passion is to share EFT with all who want to help themselves, and those close to them, to live happier, healthier and more fulfilling lives.
It is clear that Gillian and her fellow contributors share my passion for this amazing self-help and therapeutic tool that provides astounding results time and again and I applaud their efforts to take EFT to a larger audience.
Gary Craig, the creator of EFT says we should “try it on everything” and this book goes a long way to highlighting the number of diverse areas in which it can work. As the title suggests, there is something here for Everyone."
Karl Dawson
EFT Founding Master and creator of Matrix Reimprinting.
"Gillian Morris has certainly met her goal of inviting people to be open to exploring tapping by pulling together interesting stories and examples from a broad assortment of practitioners on various ways EFT/tapping can be applied. Tapping could help the readers live fuller lives, decrease their pain and suffering, and release the traumas that haunt them."
Mary Ayers, PhD
"The power of EFT tapping in the world is growing, as evidenced by this collection of different authors who are changing people’s lives with the technique. In addition to having the technique taught step-by-step, reading the different stories, and hearing about the benefits of EFT in such a conversational way is great. Kudos, Gillian, for the contribution to improving the lives of people everywhere."
Pamela Bruner
Business Coach, co-author of Tapping into Ultimate Success
"This book is a summary of what EFT is and how some experienced practitioners use EFT in their practice. It was easy to read and I found it fascinating how many applications there are for EFT. I learnt basic EFT some years ago and used it for younger patients with needle phobias. Now, I realise that EFT is not just for phobias or for emergencies and I am inspired to tap every day for everything!
Recently, I suffered from breast cancer and, during my treatment, I read how important it is to clear negative emotions from the body in order to maintain health and to prevent recurrence. I just did not know how to do it. Talking about feelings, writing them down and having counselling helped but the emotions were still there. I wanted a way of physically clearing the negative emotions from my body. It turns out EFT is the method I was looking for. I just had not yet realised it.
EFT is great for maintaining autonomy and as part of taking responsibility for one’s own health.
I am currently training as a shamanic practitioner. It was interesting to read how EFT can be combined with many other healing modalities, both conventional and alternative, in a complementary way to enhance practice. I look forward to doing this myself in the future."
Dr Mary Hernon
Former consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist
"I have to say that EFT for Everyone reads really well. It is very interesting to see just how EFT can help in lots of different situations in everyday life. It is nice to learn how the authors of each chapter found EFT and how it has helped them and their clients move forward in their lives in a more positive and successful way.
I think it should be a very successful book as it explains EFT in a simplistic way, including the many different areas of life one may come across, the inclusion of client feedback is really helpful and enlightening too.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to do this review. I look forward to using EFT both personally and professionally in the future. I think lots of people will enjoy the book as there is indeed something in it for Everyone.”
Helen Humphries
Livery Yard Manager
"EFT for Everyone is a great book for both the sceptic and the open-minded. Traditional Medicine is failing big time because it treats the body as small individual parts, the holistic approach in my opinion is the best way to support your body in being as healthy as possible including dealing with ailments.
Our emotions also play a role in having an effect on our health. This book tells the stories of many people facing all kinds of problems. EFT in combination with regular exercise and healthy nutrition offers a truly holistic approach to getting you back into balance. I found it a very informative read and also useful as a reference book, with so many different cases discussed. Highly recommended for all those looking at truly doing their best in life!"
Fabrizio Poli
Author: Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude, Born to Fly and Health4Flyer